switching gears a little from the posting I've been doing lately and taking another journey...
I will still keep everyone updated on the sweet boy, but since this is a blog about God's Provision, I have felt for a long time like I need to delve into blogging about what our family has been gone through for the past three years or more and our dependence on God’s Provision.
I’m making multiple entries because it is long and I don’t want to bore the socks off anyone.
For Part One I'm going to give a little backround,
a portion-and I mean “portion” of the history and the craziness of our lives. And just one sampling of friendship---not meant to be exclusive of others or family love and support (we love you all)--but this was a significant part of our life.
In approximately 2001, our family was blessed to meet the Cz's (initials used to protect the innocent--ha ha) They were on staff at our home church in Wisconsin--John the Worship Arts pastor, Sharon Drama Director, and their 2 precious kids Jack and Hannah. Peter, my hubby, became involved in the Arts ministry there and we began getting to know them. We loved them from the start, but our friendship grew over the years.
In December of 2002, at age 4, our son Jacob was diagnosed with Wilm's Tumor--a childhood kidney cancer. We had no idea that the Cz's were working so much behind the scenes to walk us through that journey for 16 months (and beyond). They along with many others, helped coordinate the hands and feet of God at our church, as meals were delivered, prayers were offered up, an unexpected joy was found in our fully decorated home at Christmas (2003) when we came home from St. Jude with no options left for treatment, people even helped us move in the midst of it, and so much more. They didn't operate alone, but they were significant in the process. Although, we were too slow to pick up on that clue ‘till after most of it was done.
After Jacob died, April 2004, our friendship continued to grow over time.
We homeschooled together, Sharon and I scrapbooked together, we even went on a cruise together.
In 2008 they felt led by God to move to Georgia. They made the announcement in May of 2008, and along with so many others our hearts sank and broke because we were saying good-bye and would no longer see them as often. They were part of our every day life. Peter and John had become Accountability partners by this time and my heart broke that they would no longer be able to see each other regularly and enjoy simple pleasures together like Starbucks. Of course, I also wouldn't have the amazing wisdom of my sweet friend Sharon at my fingertips. And those sweet kids of theirs would be so far away. UGH! I have to say I asked the question "why" more than once. (along with many others)
"Coincidentally" (or not so much) Peter suddenly lost his job the same weekend they had announced their plans to move. It was a strange time. The day Peter went into John's office to tell him the news about his job loss, John said,
"Well then, why don't you look for a job in Georgia?"- a simple solution in John’s eyes....
I almost punched him...=)
But, honestly we didn't have a clue how the next months would unfold.
By August of 2008 just a few months later, Cz's had miraculously sold their home in just 6 weeks (God's Provision) and they were on their way to Georgia. Since Peter was not working, and we home schooled, we packed up and helped them move.
We stayed for 2 weeks. And while there, Peter continued his job search. He had talked to people in WI but nothing was developing. All of our family was still in WI--our other sweet friends. Moving would be a big deal. Can’t say my heart really wanted to go willingly.
As God’s plan unfolded
---we prayed
--they prayed
--we wanted to seek God's guidance and not miss God's plan for our lives or for His greater good.
While we were in GA with them, Isaac wanted to do some skateboarding at a local indoor park. As I sat and waited for him I picked up the book--"Bringing up Boys" which I'd just grabbed off the shelf right before we left home for our trip--I had just never finished reading it. (God’s Provision)
As I was reading at the skatepark, a lady just randomly came up to me and said, "I've read that book".
We got to chatting about some common interests. She began asking where we were from and why we were here. Long story short, I explained helping Cz's move and my husband looking for work. She asked what line of work..etc. and then found out he was a commercial construction Project Manager. She said she knew some people in commercial construction and that I should have Peter send his resume to her to forward to these 3-4 guys she knew. Not thinking much of it, I said ok and that was it.
Peter went ahead and sent his resume to her after we got back to WI, she forwarded it on. None of them had anything. But, one of them thought of a company that he had worked for a while back that might want to hire someone...(can you see God in this?)
THAT company ended up being the one that hired Peter. So the company that hired him was not even the company that lady knew about. Yet, God used her...to lay out the plan. (God's Provision) Let's hear it for women getting involved in each other's lives...you go girls!!! Get in each other's business. Don't just sit there...let the Holy Spirit move you!
He started work with them in November of 2009. That was the final month we would have been able to pay our mortgage....(God's Provision)
He worked from WI till we sold our house in April of 2009 and moved to GA in July of 2009.
We came to look for houses in GA several times. Sharon kept looking too. Our sweet friend Ms. Judi Hayes also had her hand, her prayerful hand, in that search...Soon a house began to show up on Sharon and Judi's radar---it was in Sharon's backyard and Judi's front yard, in the same neighborhood. Literally, 25 steps from her backyard to the backyard of this house...the neighbors were fixing it up so they could sell it. No sign was even in the yard--but Sharon and Judi got themselves "in". Let's hear it for those women again!
Eventually, Peter got into it on one of his business trips. But, what a sight it must have been. Peter with our sweet realtor Angie, and of course Sharon and Judi....hmmmm what the owner's must have thought about this guy and his 3 women...none of them his wife...
--all the time I'm in WI....waiting for pictures.
Another long story short--and yes 56 houses later (so sorry Angie)
----we Bought THAT house......
Finally, Cz's and us were backyard neighbors. We joked about how being 2 miles apart in WI was just not close enough...
Friends from Wisconsin---husbands accountability partners----wives raising each other's kids----sharing meals together---praying together through more trials that arrived since our move here---so incredibly blessed to have them in our lives and thanking God EVERYDAY for what He alone had orchestrated! Who "gets" this? (God’s Provision)
and that was just the beginning---
Part 2 to follow....