My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Do it Grandma, Do it..." and other fun with Grandma

April 28, 2012-Saturday
We were busy with picnics and other stuff on Saturday.  Not much sight seeing with grandma, but while we were in the car, Lucas started a conversation with grandma.  He has decided he does not like the fact that grandpa died.  So he told her that she, at age 81, should
"Get a new grandpa"
Then he began a chant...
"Do it grandma, Do it"
"Do it grandma, Do it"....
"...and den, Marry da boy"...

So there ya go.  Lucas thinks grandma should go a courtin' and find him a new grandpa...and den marry him.  It was quite the entertaining car ride.

The picnic we went to was with other families
who have adopted from China through our agency America World Adoption.   We had a reunion picnic on Saturday...

A Tiger was playing the drums...

Saturday was also Prom for Isaac.  No pictures of the group yet, but here he is before he left and a few with me...=)

so handsome

April 29, 2004--Sunday
Remembering Jacob today. See other post.
Went to Church at Passion City and worshipped with all our hearts.
Then off to an awesome lunch in Buckhead at Taqueria Tsunami
oh my goodness is that awesome food!

We rested in the afternoon and got ready to head off to Medieval Times with the whole family.  Time for some good ole Medieval Fare --eaten with no silverware (mom wasn't quite sure what to do about that) all while being entertained by jousting of Knights.  Lucas was totally into it.  His eyes were just huge and he was trying to figure out all the relationships of the King, his princess and the Prince as well as who were the "bad guys" and who were not.  He came home smacking his foam sword on the ground and flailing it all over the house with his foam sheild.  We were on the "blue" team but our Knight didn't win the battle.  Although, Lucas was just pleased to have his picture taken with the guy...


Roasted chicken, tomato soup, ribs, and potatoes....yum yum..

 we all know who the "real" queen is...Isn't she beautiful???

 This intense look was on his face most of the night...(at least when he wasn't asking all the questions)

Our Blue Knight...

 The Blue Knight signed Lucas's foam sheild...And Lucas asked him if he REALLY killed the other knight in battle.  The knight said "yes"...uh hum I wonder if Lucas thinks he witnessed an actual death because he believes the Knight and not me that it was "pretend"...hmmmmm

Oh yes... and of course nothing in our lives would ever be complete unless we ended the event with Engine 21....
This is kind of a funny story.  I saw a fire engine in the parking lot as we were leaving Medieval Times.  I didn't really think it was the Engine 21...But sure enough it was.  And this is what "she" looked like.  I was curious, so we drove over to take a peek.  We saw firemen were sitting next to the engine on the other side so drove around to find the one the only...Fireman Andy...
the question remained...what were they doing there?
The engine had apparently overheated or something so it had broken down.  They were wating for a tow truck.  Lucas kept them entertained for a while.  But, it was so funny to just bump into them like that and of course in Lucas's eyes the perfect ending to a night of fun.

 kind of a cool thing to see the insides of a fire engine...

And to close the chapter on another day with grandma... a sweet bedtime story...

The Lord is my Shepherd...

I seem to have an unsusual amount of these kinds of posts.  

But, again we are in a place and time of remembering a dear boy
Jacob Georg
April 29, 2004 
he was led into the arms of Jesus, at the age of 6, after battling Wilm's Tumor 
-a childhood kidney cancer-
for 16 months
(gosh that is young to die of cancer--I mean really?)
Prior to his becoming ill, I had both boys, Isaac and Jacob, 
act out the verses to Psalm 23 and make a little scrapbook of it.  
No words really to describe how I look at this now.
You decide...
This was done in the spring (2002) the year he got sick.  
Jacob was the "sheep"-age 4
Isaac the "shepherd"- age almost 7

Here is Psalm 23 brought you by my boys...

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

 He makes me lie down in green pastures,

 he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.

(why did I put Jacob in that shadow?why was he the sheep?)

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,and I will dwell in the house of the Lord    forever.

(then I had both boys describe what heaven would look like)

the picture on the left was Jacob's
he said the following:
"red--locks so Satan or death can't get in. Only God can unlock our hearts in the gate of love."
"blue-the door"

Isaac's drawing is on the right...
"The gates of heaven and road to heaven after you enter the gates.  The road actually comes before the gates leading into heaven.  The gates are pearls."

I think the reason I'm posting this is to remind myself to be in tune to God's promptings.  When He says..."drop everything...take what I ask you to do..."  I should listen.  I am also reminded that His Word is such sweet comfort.

and just another sweet picture---
This was taken on our Disney Make A Wish Cruise in February 2004.  What a little goober.
I miss him.  Yet, sometimes I think his spirit lives on in our ever challenging, ever stubborn, Strong willed Lucas.  It's so bizarre how both of them have/had a passion for life.  This is displayed in obstinant behavior as well as love and care and concern for others.  I just shake my head.  I won't ever really understand how or why God formed our family this way.
All I know is He deserves All the Glory for walking us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Surely your goodness and love 
will follow me 
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord    forever.

Thank you Jesus for the small window of time we had to spend with this little man. Thank you for the assurance that he resides with you.  And thank you for the hope that we will one day meet again...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Grandma's here and keeping us busy...

Grandma (my mom) got here on Wednesday.  
As soon as she walked in the door and put her suitcase away, she was recruited to the "Atlanta police force".  She and Lucas were directing traffic with light sabers, playing bad-guys and all sorts of other "fun".  
She is such a good sport.
Yesterday we went to the Aquarium.  It was so great because we got grandma a wheel chair and when Lucas got tired of walking he could just sit on her lap.  But, most of the time he was pushing her which was so sweet.  
At one point he was pushing her on a carpeted area and it was a little tough.  As he was struggling to get her moving, he said "Grandma You are getting OLD!".  She just cracked up! 
Then he went on to say "someday you are going to die".  
A tad surprise but in good humor she said "yes, that's true".
Then he said, "We will be so sad".
she thought that was so sweet.

He continued to point out her wrinkles and age spots on her hands throughout the day. I'm sure my mom appreciated that.  But, she loves the innocence of children.  She loves their honesty and how they just say what they think.  She finds it quite charming and she has a great sense of humor and is able to laugh at herself quite readily.  Love this lady!

 The dolphins were very playful and inquisitive.

The Beluga Whale Maris is expecting a calf anytime now.  We have been to the aquarium several times in the past few weeks with relatives.  Lucas just wanted to sit at her tank yesterday for the longest time. He is so excited for her to have her baby.  She was alone in the tank as they prepare her for her birth experience.  But, he is just fascinated by her.  It will be the first birth they have at the aquarium since they opened 2 years ago.

other misc. pics...
 ba dum ba dum ba dum.....

 Lucas likes taking pictures...

 and he loves being "spoiled" by grandma who actually bought him a toy in the gift shop, which I NEVER do...he asked me "what does "spoiled" mean?"  =)

And then there was the fresh strawberry pie at the end of the day.  This is what happens when you let the 8 year old whip-cream-lover handle his own whipped cream serving....Can you just hear the
"bwa ha ha ha????"

 then he took it upon himself to help grandma with her whipped cream...
more giggles...from both of them...

He loves his grandma...and his grandma loves him too...=)