We headed from Linda and Paul's house to another local smallish community -- Union Grove --for their parade. It could not have been a more perfect Norman Rockwellish Parade. The first in the parade were all the emergency vehicles. Firetrucks, ambulances, some kind of sheriff "tank" thingy. It was stinkin' HOT sitting there, but so much fun--sirens blaring and a boy in awe. He kept asking "what station is that one from"...He was in Heaven!
He looks thrilled to pose for this picture in 103 degree heat-doesn't he?
and the child was mezmorized!
Then we went to Racine--to visit our friends the Foleys and other friends joined us too....
The Grueners
The Gamers...
and of course our hosts--The Foley's
I wasn't sure if we were going to do the fireworks again or if it would be too much, but Lucas was "all in" so off we went to Kenosha to watch more fireworks on the shore of Lake Michigan! So Amazing and beautiful. We practically had front row seats....
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