Yesterday, Lucas had a little surgery. And apparently I should have let people know about it. I'm not making excuses here but Peter and I just had a very funny conversation about it.
First, the surgery was to remove some plates in his knees that were placed in September 2011 when he had his
amputation surgery. The purpose of them was to slow bone growth on the inside of his knees so the outer regions could continue to grow and convince his bowed out knees to realign themselves. The growth has happened in the manner in which the doctor is pleased so it was time for them to come out. He said we may have to revisit this again in the future as he grows, but for now it is good.
I didn't reallly think about it as being a big deal. Pop out the plates and we are on our way--outpatient surgery. Yes it is still surgery, I get that, but in comparison to other things, we just didn't view it as "a big deal". So after Lucas and I got settled at the hospital, it dawned on me that maybe friends and relatives should know about this. No joke, that is when it really hit me. So I started taking pictures and asking for prayer and posting it on Facebook. That is when I realized "Inquiring Minds Want to Know". The responses and shock I got from people that he was having surgery, showed me I probably should have had this information out there sooner.
So, back to the conversation with Peter this morning. I told him even relatives were saying "What surgery"? I got a phone call from my sister last night .. "I didn't know that was today". OOps!
Peter had the most classic comment of all however, when he said,
"It's not like he had his feet cut off or something."
I think this is all born out of a matter of perspective. We've walked a child through cancer treatment and death. We've walked this child through amputation surgery. We have been walking through some teen challenges. So this all just seemed like "no big deal".
Unfortunately, I need to be a little more compassionate apparently, because Lucas has been in a little more pain than I had expected. In fact they gave us Oxycodone for the pain. Hmmmmm. He had to take it last night and this morning he woke up hurting. I know he will be up-and-at-'em soon. But, the biggest lessons I learned?
1. let people know ahead of time (for prayer if nothing else)
2. no surgery is "minor"--it's still surgery and I should realize it may hurt.
(I was going to share some pics with you but apparently I've bumped into a ceiling with Google and my photo albums. Need to inquire further and don't have time for that right now.)
One of the most precious, though possibly drug induced, things Lucas said yesterday happened as we were pulling away from the hospital. He was happy to be going home and started rambling...
"I'm so glad you adopted me and you are my mom and you take good care of me and give me food."
then he fell asleep =)
So my apologies to those who felt left out of the loop yesterday. I know soon he will be running around like a crazy man and this little blip will be over. Thank you for your prayers and caring about our family once again.