My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Thursday, January 10, 2013

school has it's ups and downs

Well, we have made it through 6 days and have had some interesting issues.
Tonight was a crazy night as we have visitors from out of town and he was home with "big brother" after school who didn't make sure to get the homework done early so we had kind of a late night.

I am realizing even more how far apart he is from the kids in school academically.  And to be honest I think he's a bit on overload.  The teacher is amazing, but the note home from her today was "It was a rough day today".  We are going to need to work on so much, and I think she is starting to see the gaps that I've been telling her about.  She gave him a sight word test today and he knew 6 out of the 50 she tested.  To be fair, we do more phonics here and have had some sight words, but this is what I've been talking about to everyone.  I still am not sure if it is a "new to the language" issue or something else.  The reality is, his comprehension is stunning to me.  Even though he cannot "read" the work he is being given in grammar, etc. he understands the concepts when I read the work to him.  They are working on "compound words".  And he is able to hear and understand what that means.  Although he can't read the words himself.   That's just one example.

Tonight, he told me some stories that have some gaps in them about things that happened at school.  It's a little hard to tell, but I think he was so overloaded that he may have gotten bossy and his teacher may have had to scold him a little.  So, he doesn't want to go to school anymore.  Well, that was a short lived "joy".  I am still sending him don't worry.  But, we will have to see how this all works out.  I'm feeling a little "mother bearish".  I want to protect my "cub".  But, I also want him to learn how to navigate some of these things.

So, I laid down with him tonight, cuddled my boy, loved on him, prayed with him  and held him till he fell asleep.
My sweet boy.  So much to learn.

1 comment:

  1. I think my kiddos would be shocked if I sent them to public school. We do so much together work, that the independent work may overwhelm them at this point. Especially as slow as Joy is. I'm sure with time Lucas will do just fine. We always need to consider what we want our children to learn from this experience. Hooray for a first week of successful school!
