My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Prayer Warriors called into Action-

We're calling out prayer warriors from all the corners of the earth. So if you are one or you know some, please pass this on to them. Or carry it with you...

I believe with all my heart we are about to see some miracles like no one has ever imagined or expected.

On behalf of our sweet Emma.

She entered our family through adoption, with her brother Joshua (also age 12-not biological siblings) from China just 4 months ago. She is blossoming beautifully. But as we have begun all the testing and doctor's appointments we are discovering more and more issues with her health. We knew we were in for a lot but we didn't know exactly what it would all look like.  

What I can tell you is the root of all the issues is a spinal condition which we've been told could be Spina Bifida. They may never fully know what happened, but her records from China indicate it and she had a surgery when she was almost 11 months old on her lower back. Her right leg is completely non functional with zero feeling or hip control, but her left leg is as strong as an Ox! Her upper body is "straight" and strong, but mid back on down her scoliosis curve is approximately at 70 degrees.  Along with that, there are indications that she is at a critical place with bladder and kidney damage.  

I say all of that, but honestly, not much stops her.  She plants her crutch and off she runs, scaling stairs 2-3 at a time. She plants that crutch and hauls off and kicks a soccer ball.  Honestly, this child is amazing. And SMART! Perhaps that is why I feel so compelled to make this Prayer Campaign so HUGE on her behalf. She is brave, happy, strong, a mediator and uplifts us all.  

This past week we scheduled her first surgery for October 9. There probably will be others. But, this one is possibly one of the most critical because it deals with deTethering her spinal cord.  Basically, the base of her spinal cord (which runs through the center of the spine of course) is "tethered" or "stuck".  Scar tissue or something has fused her spinal cord to another part of her lower back where the original surgery was. This is not uncommon at all with SB kids. But, that doesn't mean it is not a risky procedure. Since we have very little on her history in China, we don't know if she was born with some of this damage or it was created by years of not caring for it. We can pretty much be guaranteed that her severe scoliosis is caused by it. That doesn't mean she will suddenly have a straight back after surgery....but Hey if you feel led to pray for that I am soooo cool with that. Find your miracle and lean into it.

The timing of the surgery is important. Now seems to be the time for her.

Either way this surgery is very intricate, detailed and painstaking. Typically it lasts around 2 hours which isn't that long in the scheme of things, but the recovery means she must lay flat on her back (or in some type of prone position) for approximately a week possibly in ICU to heal. The doctor will be testing nerve responses while she is sedated. He will have to monitor closely what to release and how as he is in there.  

As the doctor spoke on Friday, all I could hear in the details was how Big our God is and How BIG He is going to show Himself in this process. There are so many many unknowns and risks with this surgery.  I'm telling you these things so you know what to pray for and against.  Because everything is related to the nerves and how and where they are attached or not attached, she could lose more function of things like her "good" leg. She could lose further function of her bowels, bladder, kidney's. There are just mutliple layers of things that "could" happen. And these are very real and unknown risks until they get in there.

How do you play a part in this?

and beyond.
We are going to post specific prayer requests each day.
Please just pray a prayer as you feel led, but know that we are also praying specific things each day so we can join forces and make our voices heard in the Heavenly Realms.  

Our God created Emma.  
And we know whatever happens will be for His Glory.  
But, we are also given permission to pray Boldly and with Confidence and that our prayers are heard in heaven.

So let's do this thing....

DAY  1
Whatever happens, God's Name would be glorified and all GLORY AND HONOR AND PRAISE would go to HIM!  When amazing things happen--which they will--we must not ever forget, He had this in His plan from the beginning of Time!  None of this is surprising Him--


  1. You're in our prayers. I hope if there is a financial need that you'll reach out. We'd want to help.

  2. Praying. I am also going to share on facebook so others can join in prayer as well.

  3. I will be praying, too. And also sharing on my FB page for our church friends... and will notify our prayer chain at church for those not on FB. There will be lots of prayers to our healing Father.

  4. I'm a friend of Kris S. and am happy to add Emma and your family to my prayer list. I am asking God for healing, for strength, for wise and compassionate medical care, and that all will be well in her life and in the family.

  5. Praying for you Peter and Miss EMMA! I know my girls would love to come visit her while she is bored in the hospital when she is ready for company. Just let me know when.
