My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lucas's progress

Here is an update on Lucas's "home therapy".

We keep encouraging him to stand on his legs.  He is working at it and we have discovered that if he has one chair on each side of him, he can pull himself up to a standing position.  2 days ago he was still kind of hunched over and knees were really bent. Last night, before bed I had him do it again and he stood pretty straight and we counted slowly to 60.  (probably a good 1-2 minutes worth of standing)  yeah lucas!!

I took him to our little park in our subdivision yesterday too, and let him climb around on the slides, tubes and other stuff.  He has definitely lost strength compared to where he was this summer.  And he is very cautious.  Hopefully, we will be able to get back over there to play some more before the weather gets colder.  (it's pouring rain today).

He still is not very keen on doing stairs.  (on his butt).  He got pretty mad at me yesterday when he wanted me to pick him up and carry him up the stairs.  I said "no, you can do it"...(ugh, I'm such an enabler it was hard for me to be that tough).  He got ugly about it but then proceeded to climb all 16 stairs alone backwards, pulling his butt up each step.

He is scooting like a pro now.  And can disappear pretty stinkin quick around the house.  So don't have too much sympathy for him being mobile...just sayin'.

He and I had a few "rounds" of discipline issues yesterday too. Let's just say he was edgy.  Perhaps it is realated to the above--but Peter and I talked about how it just amounts to a control issue.  I just want to deal with him like I did with Isaac which would be to spank him and be done with it.  We've decided this is not the best approach for our boy, so we are going to try a few other things, but whew!  I was exhausted last night after going head to head most of the day.

On a lighter note...Lucas found "Dennis the Menis" on Netflix a few days ago.....................He sits and watches it and bursts out laughing repeatedly.  It's so funny to watch him watch this old black and white sit com.  He just loves the physical humor--(ie Mr. Wilson on a ladder, and sticking is foot in a bucket of paint that Dennis left at the bottom of the ladder...)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the "mean mom club". When Joe gets mad, he gets something done. Take a look at my blog today and get a glimpse of the future!
