My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shriners Appointment tomorrow--and a note about Isaac's band

Please pray for us as we head to Shriner's Hospital in Greenville, NC tomorrow for our appointment with Lucas.  We were told to allow 4 hours.  We need to be there by 9 am and it's about a 2 hour drive.  So, just pray the morning wake up call goes well for the boy and that we have full cooperation from him tomorrow.

Also keep our "big" boy in prayer as he is feeling sick and we would need to leave him alone tomorrow which would be hard.

On a lighter note, Isaac's band performed on Saturday night for the first time and it was a great success!!!  We are so proud of him and to quote him from his facebook status.... "I now know what I want to do with my life"....He really did a great job and we are very proud parents.    The sweet moment of the evening was when his biggest fan, Lucas, plopped himself down right on the floor --dead center in front of the stage, surrounded by teenagers----and sat there the WHOLE time Isaac's band played.  It was so great to see Isaac in his element, playing music, performing, throwing his head around as he played his bass.  Makes me smile as a proud momma to think about it.  I would post pictures, but I was forbidden from taking any, because I would have needed a flash...and THAT would have been embarassing, per Isaac's request.  It was hard for me, but I survived.  I'm hoping to get some copies of some that some more professional type people took.  If I do I'll post those.

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