My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Spirit Fall"

Passion City Church met for the first time in the "new" facility last night.  It was so cool to be a part of entering a new realm of life with the church.  This church doesn't "look" like a regular church.  It is a renovated building of an old retail store (large mind you) but still in the city and part of a cool neighborhood.  Pastor Louie spoke about renovating our hearts of stone and how Christ gives us a NEW heart that pumps for him.  Of course he was much more eloquent than that, but that's the jist of it.

Lucas has been singing, ok shouting, the words to "Our God" for days.  In the doctors office, in elevators, in the car, in bed, etc.  Last night he found a new favorite song.

Spirit Fall

I have prayed when I hear this song for sweet Lucas.  I pray that beyond the language barriers, beyond any words I could share, that he would know the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Last night was the first night he sang it out...

But, in his sweetness he changed up the words a bit.
The words are
Spirit Fall
Sprit Fall
Holy Spirit Fall
Fall On Me

He says
Spirit Fall,
Spirit Fall,
Holy Spirit Fall,
WaAiNi---(these are the Chinese words for "I love You")  sounds like "Wa I knee" so it's totally understandable how he could get from Fall On Me to Wa Ai was precious.

He sat on Peter's shoulders during the singing portion and just lifted his sweet hands in Praise to Jesus.  My prayer continues for both of my boys -- that the Holy Spirit would Fall on them and speak to both of their hearts profoundly in their lives so they will love the Lord with all they have and allow Him to work through them.

When Isaac was born I knew the Lord was going to use him for great things.  Now he asks me about that and sometimes I think he feels a pressure about it, but that is not what I meant.  As I held him as an infant, and craddled him and rocked him, I felt the Spirit telling me he was preparing this child for some service.  I'm not sure what that all looks like quite yet.  I don't know if Isaac does either.  But, I still know it's true.  I see him in some type of urban ministry setting.  He LOVES big cities.  He is a people person. He is talented with music and art.  He is intrigued by people that are homeless or living very simple lives.

Here is the verse I have prayed for 16 years for my boy.  It is a verse I felt led to by the Holy Spirit when he was born:
2 Thess. 1:11-12

11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. 12 We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.[c]

a Momma's prayer:
Spirit Fall
Holy Spirit Fall
Fall on Me --- and my sweet boys...

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