My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Monday, May 23, 2011

Stunt Double

Heidi has graciously allowed me to 'guest blog' on her site. Before we go much further perhaps we should define "graciously allowed"- literally means she has gone to take a shower and left her computer unmanned and her blog signed in.

As I watch Lucas dunk the chickens (and no, that's not code) I realize there is a new set of rituals and norms in this second home of ours.

1. Basketball. While it goes against cultural bias, Peter Jundt has become quite the hoopster. I, too, am surprised to be reporting his prowess on the court. Just yesterday I witnessed the most amazing display form and function in a coordinated effort between Lucas and his Dad to score (or at least launch the ball in a vertical direction). With Peter's coaching and natural finessse Lucas will clearly go far in this sport.

2. Organization. One son in this home is random. The other is structured. One embraces chaos. The other embraces the vacuum. One takes things out. The other puts things away. One creates, the other repairs. It is a cool thing to watch how much the ends of this spectrum adore each other.

3. Language. I have realized it is my duty in these short days to impart as many verbal skills as possible.  I began with the basics: "Cubs rule, Brewers drool," (current series not withstanding). I have a few short days to add: "Pepsi IS a breakfast beverage", "I will not mix jell-o in the bathtub" and "Mama is sooooo pretty!" (trying to do as much good as I can!)
So much to teach, so little time.

Heidi Here....
Yes indeed my computer was hijacked.  Ms. Sharon Czerwinski, the guest unnamed above is in my house for 1 week.  I just cannot wait to see how she corrupts--I mean teaches--my son(s).  And you can likely anticipate she will indeed hijack again. 

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