My Family

My Family
Summer 2015

Friday, September 16, 2011

Lucas visits a Fire Truck...

Well, one of Lucas's dreams came true today.
He got to go visit a REAL fireman and see a REAL firetruck.

He was so excited and we have a little video to share.
(I'm not a very good video editor so pardon the pathetic editing.  I need tutoring)

He is obsessed by Police and Firemen lately.  He hears the sirens and notices them everywhere. Most of the time up until today he has wanted to be a policemant when he grows up.  He wants to "protect mommy".  He does talk a lot about shooting the bad guys with guns.  As a "girl" and a mom, that stuff always wigs me out a bit.  But, I do see his personality fitting this kind of service.  Although as he grows he better take a few anger management classes first...=) just kidding...The reality is he is a great helper and loves to learn as much as he can about both of these fields.

We were glad to indulge him today.


  1. so glad you got to go and that he had a great time. hate that we missed it, but looking forward to going next week. (and i could totally see him doing something like this too!)

  2. What a PRECIOUS boy you have!!!

    It was good to hear your voices again, too!


    -- Bernie

  3. Thanks Bernie....=)
    We think he is pretty sweet.
    And such a blessing to our family.

